Radon Testing: Frequently Asked Questions

30 May 2023
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog


As a homeowner and parent, you want to ensure your kids and anyone visiting your house are safe. However, while you work tirelessly to eliminate apparent dangers, radon is another hidden danger lurking. Radon is a dangerous gas that can damage a person's health if inhaled for long periods.

Here is some valuable information every homeowner should know about radon testing.

What Is Radon?

Chances are you have heard of radon but don't exactly know any specific information about this colorless, odorless gas. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas created by the natural breakdown of rocks in the soil. Eventually, the gas will rise through the ground and enter the air outdoors.

In most cases, because the radon gas is dispersed and enters the upper atmosphere, it is not dangerous when you are outdoors. However, because radon can also enter your home, exposure to radon gas can become very dangerous to anyone living in your house.

How Radon Enters Your Home

As the radon gas rises through the soil and enters the atmosphere, it can enter your house. The radon oozes through the cracks in your foundation and home and can build up inside your property. Unfortunately, because radon is odorless and colorless, there is no way of knowing you are exposed to high radon gas levels.

Why Radon Is Dangerous

Radon is a radioactive substance, and when a person is exposed to high levels of radon for several years, the exposure can lead to lung cancer. Radon exposure is one of the leading causes of lung cancer in adults.

Benefits of Radon Testing

Every homeowner in America should contact a professional to have the radon levels tested in their home. If there is the presence of radon, many inexpensive options will lower the concentration of radon in your home. In addition to protecting your family, there are other benefits to professional radon testing.

If you are selling your home in the future, having your property tested for radon is a huge selling point. Even if you do not have radon, installing a radon mitigation system in your home will attract buyers. For example, even sealing the cracks in your foundation or installing new windows can help prevent radon from entering your home. 

Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can be very dangerous. If you have any more questions or want to have your home tested for radon, don't hesitate to contact a professional testing company immediately. For more information, contact a company like Cardinal Construction Services LLC.